Sunday, July 21, 2024

Mary's List: Special Education Resources Iowa Parents and Educators Need to Read

Last week I visited with a parent of a child with a disability who said that she had recently learned that Iowa is the only state in the nation that uses a noncategorical system for identifying children who have disabilities and need special education and related services.  

She asked me if I could give her a list of Iowa-specific resources about special education law and procedures that she could read over the summer. 

I told her I'd be glad to provide her with links to Iowa-specific special education resources and would also share them on my blog.

Procedural Safeguards Manual for Parents' Rights for Children Ages Birth-3  and/or         

Procedural Safeguards Manual for Parents' Rights for Children Ages 3-21 at

The Iowa Rules of Special Education  

What You Need to Know as a Parent of a Student with a Disability 

What to Expect at an IEP Meeting  

i3 Iowa IDEA Information

ASK (Access for Special Kids) Resource Center  

and the link to this blog, Special Education in Iowa  

Friday, July 19, 2024

Nonsense, Responding to Nonsense, and Unexpected Support

Most Iowans are glad to hear when a state agency makes a local government unit reimburse a citizen who has had to pay for services that the local government unit should have provided to the citizen at no charge. 

That's what happened when the Iowa Department of Education (DE) determined that the Sioux City Community School District failed to provide services to a student during school hours required by his IEP.  In its ruling on State Complaint 23-45, the DE ordered the District to reimburse the parents for the $31,000 they spent to provide those services for their son that the school district was obligated to provide - but didn't provide for over a year. See State Complaint 23-45. 

So what does this have to do with “nonsense?” Unfortunately, the “nonsense” consists of falsified facts about this case that are being circulated as “reasons” for Iowa's governor to do away with the DE. 

A few weeks ago I heard this nonsense when searching for a radio station while on the road to the Iowa State Bar Association Annual Meeting. The scanner paused and I heard someone say, "I hope the  governor will get rid of the education department because it made the Sioux City Schools give a $30,000 handout to some parents who complained about how the school treated their handicapped kid.” 

“Nonsense!” I thought, and restarted the scanner.

I heard it again last week when my law clerk and I were finishing lunch at a restaurant, a man sitting with some local residents in the next booth began giving his opinions about state government. His voice grew progressively louder as he complained about the agencies he thinks are “boondoggles.” Among his targets was the DE, which he described as “another boondoggle” and said, “[w]hen it’s not paying schools to feed breakfast and lunch to people’s kids, it’s making schools pay the parents of handicapped kids.”

“Nonsense! I thought. However, my face began to flush as he continued to speak, saying, “[s]ome parents complained that the Sioux City Schools didn’t perfectly teach their handicapped kid,” so the DE “ordered it [the school district] to pay them $30,000. To scrape up the money to pay them this summer, it had to close down all the city’s public swimming pools.” 

The man was still ranting as my law clerk and I left the restaurant. Once we were outside, she said, “Mary - why didn’t you call him out?”

I responded that calling him out might have felt “righteous” - but it's ineffective when your purpose is to correct misinformation - especially when no one has asked for your input. Calling out someone in front of others usually makes the person angry, embarrassed, and defensive - and a person in a heightened state of emotion isn’t likely to listen to you or think about what you’re saying. As a result, by calling out someone, you've just made them feel bad without solving the problem.

The next day I sent a pleasant email to the local residents who sat with the “misspeaker,” in which I recalled the good time we had volunteering together during RAGBRAI’s stop in Coralville a few years ago. Noting that I practice education law, I wrote that I thought they’d want to know the $31,000 that the Iowa Department of Education (DE ) ordered the Sioux City Community School District (SCCSD) to pay the parents of a student with a disability was to reimburse the parents for the money the parents spent to provide services that the school district was required to provide for their son - but didn’t provide for over a year. 

I also said that I  checked out their lunch companion’s statement that the school district had closed Sioux City’s public swimming pools and was glad to learn that all the city pools are open at regular hours. I indicated that perhaps he’d heard that the school board recently closed two of its three high school swimming pools - but that wasn’t due to the reimbursement order. It was related to the end of the Covid emergency funding (“ESSER”) on September 30, 2024. 

The school board’s minutes show that the board wanted to continue some of the programs and staff paid with those funds, the board needed to find over $7 million in the rest of its budget. The minutes of the May 13, 2024 school board work session show that those pools were built over 50 years ago and have received minimal maintenance. One pool was no longer operational. Each pool needed over $200,000 in repairs and had annual operating costs of over $50,000/year. 

The School Board’s June 24 minutes, showed that the Board approved making necessary repairs to the West High School pool and permanently closing the pools at East High School and North High School unless outside third-party contributions are received to fund the necessary equipment replacement,  repairs, and the annual pool operating costs.  


I didn’t expect any responses to my message. However, today, one of the recipients called and thanked me for letting him know the Iowa Department of Education had helped the parents. He explained that in the 1950s, his baby brother had polio, and later he didn’t get to go to school. The school board in his rural community said he couldn’t be educated with normal children because he couldn’t climb stairs due to his wheelchair, he had difficulty holding a pencil and speaking, and the school board thought the sight of his deformed limbs would upset other children. The man said that he always thought his brother was “really smart,” and he wished there'd been laws that would have kept the school board from refusing to educate him. I said I agreed and thanked him for sharing that with me.*

You never know where you’ll find support, so be careful when you’re tempted to call someone out. 

Note: I asked him for permission to repeat his story in an article on my special education website, explaining that most younger people aren’t aware that until Congress and state legislatures passed laws requiring public schools to educate children with disabilities, school boards often excluded children who couldn't climb stairs, wouldn’t "fit" into a regular classroom,  or whose appearance they thought would upset the other students. He kindly agreed as long as I kept his name private. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Remedies, Relief and Corrective Action Under the IDEA and the Iowa Rules of Special Education: Plenty of Pain - No “Pain and Suffering”

 Parent Questions: 

I heard on the news that the Iowa Department of Education made the Sioux City Community School District pay a student’s parents over $30,000 because it didn’t follow their son’s IEP. It also made the school district follow that IEP.  My daughter’s IEP says the school district must provide her with a sign language interpreter when she's at school. She doesn't see well enough to lip-read but the school district hasn't provided her with an interpreter for almost a semester. I have two questions:  Question 1:  Would the Department make my daughter’s school district start providing her with the sign language interpreter required in her IEP? Question 2: Would the Department order her school district to pay damages for the emotional distress that she's suffering because it isn't providing her with a sign language interpreter? 

Mary's Responses: 

[Before this blog article was posted, the first question was resolved. The student is now receiving full-time sign-language interpreting services at her school and compensatory education services to allow her to complete the courses she had to sit through without an interpreter, unable to hear, and unable to see well enough to lip read.]

Regarding the second question, in 2023 the Iowa Department of Education (DE) ruled on State Complaint 23-45. In that case, the student's IEP required the school Sioux City Community School District to provide him during school hours with certain medically necessary services (services without which the student would become ill or not survive). When the school district failed to provide the student with those services, his parents paid for them out-of-pocket and filed a complaint under the IDEA with the DE. In its decision, the DE directed the Sioux City Community School District to reimburse a student’s parents the $31,000 they had paid out-of-pocket for those services. Here is a link to that decision: Iowa Department of Education Decision in State Complaint 23-45 (July 11, 2023).  

Relief, Remedies, and Corrective Action

The IDEA doesn’t authorize administrative law judges or courts to award monetary damages to compensate students for pain and suffering. Congress decided not to authorize monetary damages because public schools have limited funds and such awards would decrease funds needed for educational expenditures. See D.L. v. Waukee Cmty. Sch. Dist., 578 F. Supp. 2d 1178, 1190 (S.D. Iowa 2008) citing Diaz-Fonseca v. Puerto Rico, 451 F.3d 13. (1st Cir. 2006).  

Remedies authorized under the IDEA focus on ensuring that students with disabilities receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE). Courts and administrative law judges have broad discretion to order corrective action. The specific type or remedy and amount of relief must be determined on a case-by-case basis. See Iowa Department of Education Decision in State Complaint 23-45 (July 11, 2023).  

Relief may involve requiring a student’s IEP team to develop an IEP that is reasonably calculated to allow the student to make educational progress. It may require implementing procedures to ensure the student receives specially designed instruction tailored to the student’s unique needs and to ensure the related services necessary for the student to benefit from instruction. 

Corrective action may include compensatory education. See Iowa Administrative Code r. 281-41.151. It can take various forms including tutoring, extended school year services, or specialized programs. The goal is to address the educational deficits resulting from the school district's failure to provide the student with a FAPE. See Minnetonka Pub. Sch., Indep. Sch. Dist. No. 276 v. M.L.K. ex rel. S.K., 42 F.4th 847, 852 (8th Cir. 2022). It may also require a school district to reimburse a student's parents for the cost of services they paid because the school district failed to provide them. See B.M. v. S. Callaway R-II Sch. Dist., 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 163235. It may also involve, technical assistance activities and negotiations. See 281-41.152. 

Remember that this blog article does NOT provide an exhaustive summary of information about relief, remedies, and corrective action under the IDEA. Nor does it cover information about remedies when a parent files a court action under the Americans with Disabilities Act seeking relief that isn't available under the IDEA.